Beat You Down
  • by: Children of Reagan
  • lyrics: Brian Reagan
  • Original Release: Old Time Small Time Revival
  • I remember back in 88 when they tried to bring me down
    they labeled me a deviant, they hauled me off down town
    they used no cuffs no guns, they said they were my friends
    as long as I gave them a list of all my buddies sins
    and I remember how back in 92 they used their billy clubs
    to beat down a group of kids coming out of a night club
    I don’t remember what I did back in 88 to get drug in
    but it seems the same in 92, beat down for nothing

    All the punks know when big pig truck comes
    that its time to go, time to get out
    because if the pigs find you standing around
    they’ll use their wooden clubs to Beat you Down

    Well back in 88 I told them shit so they let me go
    I had done nothing wrong so they could not keep a hold
    but they followed me and watched for me to make a mistake
    so they could drag me back in to get out of me what they wanted
    so in 1990 when I got the cash I got the hell out of town
    I moved to the bigger city where I thought the cops would leave me alone
    but soon I learned that once your on that criminal list
    the harassment from the PD it never seems to end

    All the punks know when big pig truck comes
    that its time to go, time to get out
    because if the pigs find you standing around
    they’ll use their wooden clubs to Beat you Down