Don't Fuck with Ohio
  • by: Children of Reagan
  • lyrics: Brian Reagan, Matt Reagan
  • Original Release:
  • You can fuck with Texas
    You can fuck with Minnesota if you want
    You can fuck with this shit southern states
    Flying their confederate flag on their court house lawn

    Don’t fuck with Ohio
    Don’t fuck with Ohio
    Don’t fuck with Ohio
    Don’t fuck with us

    You can listen to your shit country-fried-rock
    And punk that sounds like cowboys drunk
    But me I’ll take the old school punk
    That is only found in the Midwest scene

    Don’t fuck with Ohio
    Don’t fuck with Ohio
    Don’t fuck with Ohio
    Don’t fuck with us

    You can take your East Coast Scene
    New York City shove it up your ass
    You say Ohio punk is dead
    You just haven’t heard The Indigents

    Don’t fuck with Ohio
    Don’t fuck with Ohio
    Don’t fuck with Ohio
    Don’t fuck with us