Shut Up or Change It
  • by: Children of Reagan
  • lyrics: Brian Reagan, Rob Reagan, Bob Reagan, Matt Reagan
  • Original Release: Old Time Small Time Revival
  • Hear you bitching, whining, moaning, and complaining
    about how everybody wants to do you in
    about how everybody is your enemy
    well I hate to break the news
    but we don’t have the time to
    plot against you

    Hear you outside of my cubicle walls
    bitching and complaining about how
    everybody wants to see you fall
    well if you hate so much why don’t you get away
    its in your power to change it
    instead of wasting your time telling me about it again

    Shut up or change it
    Shut up or change it
    Shut up or change it
    we don’t want to hear your bitching anymore
    Shut up or change it
    Shut up or change it
    Shut up or change it
    we don’t want to hear your whining and complaining about how
    everyone is your enemy anymore

    Do you think we care, people you don’t know
    about how your husband treats you bad
    about how your snotty nosed kid brings home F’s in his history class
    if you hate it so much get out
    That’s what the fuck divorce is for

    Heard you complaining about how someone stole all your work
    well you have to do work to have it stolen
    maybe if you would shut your goddamn mouth
    and do something instead of bitching
    your little story would come true

    Shut up or change it
    Shut up or change it
    Shut up or change it
    we don’t want to hear your bitching anymore
    Shut up or change it
    Shut up or change it
    Shut up or change it
    we don’t want to hear your whining and complaining about how
    everyone is your enemy anymore